מי שעשה I שמחה ליינר I מתנה טובה Mi She'asa I Simcha Leiner I Shi"r I

Shared on January 30, 2018
האלבום 'מתנה טובה' מלחניו של ר' שלמה יהודה רכניץ, יוצא לרגל שמחת נישואי בתו חנה עב"ל נפתלי שוסס הי"ו.
באלבום 12 לחנים חדשים, ומשתתפים בו הזמרים: אברהם פריד, אוהד מושקוביץ, משה מנדלוביץ, איציק דדיה, שלוימי דסקל, בני פרידמן, ברוך לוין, ברי וובר, שמחה ליינר, קינדרלעך, משה טישלר, הילד א.ח. גרין וקהלת שירה.
הפקה: דוד פדידה
עיבודים: אלי קליין & איצי ברי
מי שעשה נסים לאבותינו וגאל אותם מעבדות לחרות, הוא יגאל אותנו בקרוב ויקבץ נדחינו מארבע כנפות הארץ
The father of Gideon was an idol worshiper. Not only did he worship idols, but he would fatten the cows for seven years before sacrificing them to his idol. It is hard for us to understand, but even though he worshiped idols, he observed the commandments of Pesach. On the night of the Seder, he sat down with his child — not any child but Gideon, the future judge of the Jewish people — and told him the story of the Exodus and how the Jewish people were saved by the Almighty. Despite the fact that he was an ardent idol worshipper, he was able to transmit the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim and make it real and alive. So much so, that his son was so impressed that when he met the malach the next day, he demanded the same miracles.
It is safe to say that the difference between Gideon and his idol-worshiping father was certainly greater than the difference between us and our children. If Gideon's father was able to inspire him, then we must know that we are given special assistance from the Al-mighty to inspire our own children on the night of the Seder… but really on any night.
And if we do, then, like Gideon, we and our children will also be zocheh to nissim, as we say in Bircas HaChodesh, "Mi she'asah nissim la'avoseinu ve'ga'al osam mei'avdus le'cheirus Hu yigal osanu be'karov vi'kabeitz nidacheinu mei'arba kanfos ha'aretz — He Who performed miracles for our forefathers and redeemed them from slavery to freedom, may He redeem us soon and gather in our dispersed from the four corners of the earth."
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