Thank You Hashem | Eli Levin – Never Give Up! רבי נחמן מאומן אומר אין שום יאוש בעולם

Shared on November 28, 2020
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Composed by: The Blumstein Brothers, Momo Bauman & Eli Levin
Featuring: Eli Levin
A Doni Gross production
Choir: Elimelech Blumstein, Aryeh Blumstein, Yitzy Blumstein, Shragi Orzel, Momo Bauman, Mikey Mause & Doni Gross
Cover Art: Yehuda Krupka @Shefah_art
Lyrical Video by: Yossi Zweig - Intelligent Noice LLC
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches us that one of the most fundamental concepts of Emunah is to never give up hope. Regardless of the situation a Jew finds themselves in, do not despair. Why is this idea so fundamental? Why is it repeated over and over again in the holy words of our teachers...never give up…never give up…never give up…
The notion behind the repetition and to really understand this idea is to acknowledge that we do not abandon hope because Hashem has orchestrated this and He is pulling the strings. The reason why you should not relinquish your hope is because Hashem won’t let anything happen to you that can hurt you; He’s behind this! The more we remind ourselves of this and connect to this idea the clearer we will see the road that lies ahead of us. This, by default, will bring our connection closer to Hashem.
…Never give up. #ThankYouHashem
לע״נ אברהם ביינוש בן יחיאל יהודה הכהן ז"ל
As a child of holocaust survivors our father did not grow up with much. Yet, he was the happiest person we knew and was always full of simcha and hope. Throughout the eleven years of his illness we were told countless times of how when people came to give him chizuk, they left being the recipient of his chizuk! A role model to thousands of people around the world he was the ultimate ambassador of never allowing yi’ush into his life. Many times, during those eleven dreadful years, did we have may scares thinking the worst. Not once did it phase him that he was deviating off the path that was chosen for him. It’s for this reason that we dedicate this song in his honor, which will allow him to continue giving chizuk globally, even after he is physically no longer with us. Yehi Zichro Baruch.
-The Mandel Family
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