Rogers Park – Ki Hinei Kachomer [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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Shared on September 20, 2017
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The 2nd installment of our Niggunim & Yiddish Project
Ki Hinei Kachomer
A song with a musical charm all its own. It is usually sung without words. But the Chassid Reb Aharon Charitonov, a slaughterer in Nikolayev, Ukraine, one of the famous composers of Chabad melodies, would sing this tune to the words of this poem recited in the Yom Kippur evening prayers.
Concept and Directed by: Yosef Peysin and Mordy Kurtz
Filmed and edited by: Atara Wolf
Additional Cinematography: Berry Cohen
Cellist: Laura Melnicoff
Produced by: Matt Dougherty - Side Door Studios
Recorded at: Command Space Audio - Chicago, IL
Ki Hinei Kachomer Beyad Hayotzeir, Birtzoso Marchiv Uvirtzoso Mekatzer, Kein Anachnu Beyodcho Chessed Notzeir, Labris Habet Veal Teifen Layeitzer.
Ki Hinei Koeven Beyad Hamesates, Birtzoso Ochez Uvirtzoso Mechates, Kein Anachnu Beyodcho Mechayeh Umemoseis, Labris Habet Veal Teifen Layeitzer.
Indeed, as the clay in the hand of the potter, who, when he wishes expands it and when he wishes contracts it; so are we in Your hand, O You who remembers deeds of the loving kindness; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.
Indeed, as the stone in the hand of the mason, who, when he wishes retains it and when he wishes smashes it; so are we in Your hand, O You who gives life and brings death; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination. -
The 2nd installment of our Niggunim & Yiddish Project
Ki Hinei Kachomer
A song with a musical charm all its own. It is usually sung without words. But the Chassid Reb Aharon Charitonov, a slaughterer in Nikolayev, Ukraine, one of the famous composers of Chabad melodies, would sing this tune to the words of this poem recited in the Yom Kippur evening prayers.
Concept and Directed by: Yosef Peysin and Mordy Kurtz
Filmed and edited by: Atara Wolf
Additional Cinematography: Berry Cohen
Cellist: Laura Melnicoff
Produced by: Matt Dougherty - Side Door Studios
Recorded at: Command Space Audio - Chicago, IL
Ki Hinei Kachomer Beyad Hayotzeir, Birtzoso Marchiv Uvirtzoso Mekatzer, Kein Anachnu Beyodcho Chessed Notzeir, Labris Habet Veal Teifen Layeitzer.
Ki Hinei Koeven Beyad Hamesates, Birtzoso Ochez Uvirtzoso Mechates, Kein Anachnu Beyodcho Mechayeh Umemoseis, Labris Habet Veal Teifen Layeitzer.
Indeed, as the clay in the hand of the potter, who, when he wishes expands it and when he wishes contracts it; so are we in Your hand, O You who remembers deeds of the loving kindness; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.
Indeed, as the stone in the hand of the mason, who, when he wishes retains it and when he wishes smashes it; so are we in Your hand, O You who gives life and brings death; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination. -
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