Moshe Lichtenstein – GAL ENAI! (Official Jewish Music Video) משה ליכטנשטיין – גל עיני

Shared on November 3, 2023
Kol ha'osek b'Torah l'shma - כל העוסק בתורה לשמה
The Gemara in Sanhedrin צט beautifully illustrates the profound power of Torah learning. Rav Yochanan teaches us that one who learns Torah l'shma, for its intrinsic sake, is as if they've constructed a protective shield for the entire world. This concept is vividly portrayed in the verse, 'I covered you with the shadow of my hand,' which implies that God safeguards the world through this individual's commitment. Levi aptly concludes by emphasizing that such a person brings the ultimate redemption, the geula, closer to reality.
This piece, a song that holds a special place in my heart, was originally scheduled for release long before our homeland and nation faced the immense challenges we do today. Contemplations arose concerning the appropriateness of releasing music amidst times of conflict and tragedy. However, after careful reflection and consultation, I've decided that this release should serve as a resounding call to action.
The Gemara in Sotah beautifully declares, 'The Torah is associated with light, as if to say: Just as the sun's light provides everlasting protection, so too, does the Torah one studies offer eternal safeguarding.' As Jews in the diaspora, we're all searching for meaningful ways to contribute to the brave heroes of the IDF. My aspiration is for this song to serve as a catalyst, inspiring a spiritual contribution through Torah learning on behalf of those who valiantly fight as kiddush Hashem, sanctifying the name of God. Take something on in their merit – dedicate your seder to them, learn a Mishna, read the parsha, listen to a lecture.
This song is dedicated to the memory of the over 1400 souls, captives and in admiration of our brothers and sisters in the IDF.
With infinite hakaras Hatov to Jared Lazarus who created this mastery from the depths of his neshoma and chose me to be the conduit to bring this piece into the world. Thankful for the friendship we share.
BOOKINGS: +27826949696
Composition and production: Jared Lazarus
Video: Featuring Co- founder of The Chupa Band Avi Levy and our pianist Calev Freeman.
Video- Paul Hugo PlusNIA +27828178824
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