Emotional Mitzva Tantz – Motty Ilowitz | מצוה טאנץ, שטארק – מאטי אילאוויטש
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Shared on September 12, 2024
In this heartfelt video, Motty Ilowitz calls up the Chasan (groom) to dance with the Kallah (bride) during the traditional Mitzva Tantz ceremony.
As the celebration unfolds, Motty shares a poignant tribute to groom's late father, R' Menachem Stark z"l, who passed away when his son was just a little child. Menachem was known for his kindness and generosity, and his memory continues to inspire his young family and those who knew him.
This video captures the essence of how moments of tradition like the Mitzva Tantz serve as a bridge between past and present, uniting family bonds and honoring cherished memories.
Sep 8. '24 in the continental hall in Brooklyn NY. Music by Avrumi Berko.
Yossi Steinmetz Photography.
As the celebration unfolds, Motty shares a poignant tribute to groom's late father, R' Menachem Stark z"l, who passed away when his son was just a little child. Menachem was known for his kindness and generosity, and his memory continues to inspire his young family and those who knew him.
This video captures the essence of how moments of tradition like the Mitzva Tantz serve as a bridge between past and present, uniting family bonds and honoring cherished memories.
Sep 8. '24 in the continental hall in Brooklyn NY. Music by Avrumi Berko.
Yossi Steinmetz Photography.
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