Chelek Elokai – חלק אלוקה ממעל | Ari Hill, ארי היל & Joey Newcomb | TYH Nation [Official Audio]

Shared on July 26, 2021
TYH Nation & Mishpacha Magazine are proud to release “Chelek Elokai” - a brand-new single off the upcoming album! This special album will feature 12 songs and 12 singers, and will be released for Rosh Chodesh Elul.
Produced and Arranged by Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
The words of the Baal HaTanya are etched into the heart of our holy nation: "Every Jewish soul is literally a portion of Hashem." Sometimes it's difficult for us to feel it. Sometimes our actions may obscure the holiness at our core. But beyond the many layers of a dust that is infinitely simpler to wipe away than we could ever dare to imagine, abides the shining essence of the Jewish nation - a literal spark of Hashem.
As Reb Joey & Reb Ari remind every yid in this timeless track, "You have to know who you are." Don't get distracted by the externals. Wherever we may be, whatever we may have done - none of this has the slightest bearing on who we are. The tzaddik's words are not a metaphor that only functions as truth under certain circumstances. Each yid is a cheilek Eloka mi'maal - Mamash! And nothing in the world could ever take that away. Let's dig deep together and reveal the G-dliness within!
A Farbrengable Studios Production
Mendy Portnoy
Written by The Blumstein Bros
Performed by Ari Hill & Joey Newcomb
Guitar & Bass: Nachman Helbitz
XIAO Flute: Hai Motella
Joey's Vocals Recorded by Doni Gross
Art: Shani Levin @ShaniLevinArt
PR: Tomer Cohen Branding Media & Pubblic Relations | +972504652595 |
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