8th Day – Lo Olecha (QSC TouchMix Sessions)
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Shared on April 10, 2022
8th Day performing "Lo Olecha" live at the QSC "TouchMix Sessions".
Lo Olecha:
Not every tune I write is a hit song
Not every swing is a home run
Here's what you gotta know before we get started...
You win some you lose some
There's pretty there's gruesome
There's lows and there's highs
Hellos and goodbyes
You win some you lose some
There's pretty there's gruesome
There's ups and there's downs
But don't turn around
If you hear me singing this song
You know that I'm trying
All I've got's this promise
To keep fighting
I don't have a pretty picture trophy smiling
If you hear me singing this song
You know that I'm trying
לא עליך המלאכה לגמור
ולא אתה בן חורין להבטל ממנה
The highest high is to try
You win some you lose some...
If I hear you singing this song
I know that you're trying
All you've got's that promise
To keep fighting
You don't need a pretty picture trophy smiling
If I hear you singing this song I know that you're trying
לא עליך...
Soon you'll see we don't need your home run
The only way to win is to have fun
With humble eyes look to the sky
The highest high is to try
Filmed and edited by Scott Lehman.
Lo Olecha:
Not every tune I write is a hit song
Not every swing is a home run
Here's what you gotta know before we get started...
You win some you lose some
There's pretty there's gruesome
There's lows and there's highs
Hellos and goodbyes
You win some you lose some
There's pretty there's gruesome
There's ups and there's downs
But don't turn around
If you hear me singing this song
You know that I'm trying
All I've got's this promise
To keep fighting
I don't have a pretty picture trophy smiling
If you hear me singing this song
You know that I'm trying
לא עליך המלאכה לגמור
ולא אתה בן חורין להבטל ממנה
The highest high is to try
You win some you lose some...
If I hear you singing this song
I know that you're trying
All you've got's that promise
To keep fighting
You don't need a pretty picture trophy smiling
If I hear you singing this song I know that you're trying
לא עליך...
Soon you'll see we don't need your home run
The only way to win is to have fun
With humble eyes look to the sky
The highest high is to try
Filmed and edited by Scott Lehman.
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