Vehi Sheamdah – Eli Levin (Cover) והיא שעמדה – אלי לעווין

Shared on April 7, 2020
Pesach is upon us, and it's real. We really are going to be on our own, each doing our own little Seder. And many of us will be broken, thinking of the people we've lost.
Throughout our history we have suffered in every generation. And each time it was another nation trying to destroy us. All those times we could have been confused, we could have thought to focus on the Nazi's during the Holocaust, or the Spaniards during the inquisition.
This time it's different. The enemy is a microscopic part of nature. This time it is much clearer that this is God's plan. And we know we must turn directly to him and beg for him to save us. 'V'hakadosh Baruch Hi Matzileinu' - only He can save us.
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