Six13 ft. Shmueli Ungar, Simcha Leiner and Pumpidisa: Eliyahu Hanavi / Kol Hakavod / Baruch Hashem
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Shared on July 21, 2020
We're so excited to join forces with these Jewish music industry giants! Please enjoy Six13's a cappella renditions of recent hits, fronted by:
- Shmueli Ungar שמילי אונגר ("Eliyahu Hanavi")
- Simcha Leiner שמחה ליינר (his own "Kol Hakavod")
- Pumpidisa פומפדיסא (their own "Baruch Hashem")
Musicians and other performers have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 crisis. If you're in a position to give, please support the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund:
Booking and more information about Six13:
Eliyahu Hanavi / Kol Hakavod / Baruch Hashem appears on Six13's newest album, VOL. 8: LIGHTS, available now:
Please subscribe (click the notification bell!), comment, like, and share!
All Six13 songs are created with nothing but the human voice.
Anchored by a strong Jewish identity and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the globe with their heritage through music, professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews at the White House for Barack and Michelle Obama, and millions more at synagogues, religious schools, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike, received numerous awards for their seven best-selling CDs, and been selected as finalists for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off". To find out more about bringing Six13 to your community for an event that's truly unforgettable, visit
For press inquiries, contact:
Michael Boxer
[email protected]
Eliyahu Hanavi
Music by Yoval Selah
Lyrics from bentching
Lead vocal: Shmueli Ungar
Kol Hakavod
Music by Simcha Leiner and Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by Simcha Leiner and Isaac Hidary
Lead vocal: Simcha Leiner
Baruch Hashem
Music by Moshe Jacobson
Lyrics by Jews everywhere
Lead vocals: Craig Resmovits of Six13, and Tzvi and Matt Levin of Pumpidisa
Music arranged by Craig Resmovits
Edited by Jeff Eames, Eames Audio
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Mastered by Dave Sperandio, Vocal Mastering
Video edited and produced by Kristine Slipson
Produced by Craig Resmovits and Mike Boxer for Six13
(c) 2020 Six13
Special thanks to: our loving families, our incredible fans, our alumni, and all the amazing production staff mentioned above.
Six13 is: Mike Boxer | Carl Haber | Lior Melnick | Craig Resmovits
Nathaniel Ribner | Josh Sauer | Jacob Spadaro | Mordy Weinstein
Eliayhu Hanavi, zachur la tov
אֵלִיָּהוּ הַנָּבִיא זָכוּר לַטּוֹב
Elijah the Prophet, may he be remembered for good
Yesh davar chashuv shetzarich lada'at
יש דבר חשוב שציך לדעת
There's something important that I need to know
Yesh haregesh atzum b'lev kol yisrael
יש הרגש עצום בלב כל ישראל
There's a crucial feeling in the heart of all of Israel
V'af echad sheba'olam lo yikach et ze mimeni
ואף אחד שבעולם לא יקח את זה ממני
And no one in the world can take it away from me
Az tishmah achi tishmah tov
אז תשמע אחי תשמע טוב
So listen, brother, listen well
Anachnu am kadosh mikol ha'amim
אנחנו עם קדוש מכל העמים
We are a holy nation among nations
Ha'im targish et zeh b'toch haneshama
hהאם תרגיש את זה בתוך הנשמה
Will you feel it in your soul
ShehaKadosh baruch hu bachar banu veromamtanu
שהקדוש ברוך הוא בחר בנו ורוממתנו
That the Holy One, blessed be he, chose us and lifted us
Az bo tashir iti mikol halev
אז בא תשיר אתי מכל הלב
So come sing with me with your whole heart
Kol hakavod chaverim
כל הכבוד חברים
Well done, friends
Kol hakavod yedidim
כל הכבוד ידידים
Well done, friends
She'anachnu yehudim anachnu ma'aminim
שאנחנו יהודים אנחנו מאמינים
That we are Jews and we are believers
Achinu lihiyot am hanivchar kol hakavod achi
זכינו להיות עם הנבחר כל הכבוד אחי
We've merited to be the chosen nation, well done brother
Baruch Hashem
ברוך יי
Blessed is God (or, thank God)
- Shmueli Ungar שמילי אונגר ("Eliyahu Hanavi")
- Simcha Leiner שמחה ליינר (his own "Kol Hakavod")
- Pumpidisa פומפדיסא (their own "Baruch Hashem")
Musicians and other performers have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 crisis. If you're in a position to give, please support the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund:
Booking and more information about Six13:
Eliyahu Hanavi / Kol Hakavod / Baruch Hashem appears on Six13's newest album, VOL. 8: LIGHTS, available now:
Please subscribe (click the notification bell!), comment, like, and share!
All Six13 songs are created with nothing but the human voice.
Anchored by a strong Jewish identity and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the globe with their heritage through music, professional Jewish a cappella group Six13 are the originators of today's Jewish a cappella sound. They've performed to rave reviews at the White House for Barack and Michelle Obama, and millions more at synagogues, religious schools, JCCs, fundraising events, B'nai Mitzvah and private affairs alike, received numerous awards for their seven best-selling CDs, and been selected as finalists for casting in NBC's "The Sing-Off". To find out more about bringing Six13 to your community for an event that's truly unforgettable, visit
For press inquiries, contact:
Michael Boxer
[email protected]
Eliyahu Hanavi
Music by Yoval Selah
Lyrics from bentching
Lead vocal: Shmueli Ungar
Kol Hakavod
Music by Simcha Leiner and Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by Simcha Leiner and Isaac Hidary
Lead vocal: Simcha Leiner
Baruch Hashem
Music by Moshe Jacobson
Lyrics by Jews everywhere
Lead vocals: Craig Resmovits of Six13, and Tzvi and Matt Levin of Pumpidisa
Music arranged by Craig Resmovits
Edited by Jeff Eames, Eames Audio
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Mastered by Dave Sperandio, Vocal Mastering
Video edited and produced by Kristine Slipson
Produced by Craig Resmovits and Mike Boxer for Six13
(c) 2020 Six13
Special thanks to: our loving families, our incredible fans, our alumni, and all the amazing production staff mentioned above.
Six13 is: Mike Boxer | Carl Haber | Lior Melnick | Craig Resmovits
Nathaniel Ribner | Josh Sauer | Jacob Spadaro | Mordy Weinstein
Eliayhu Hanavi, zachur la tov
אֵלִיָּהוּ הַנָּבִיא זָכוּר לַטּוֹב
Elijah the Prophet, may he be remembered for good
Yesh davar chashuv shetzarich lada'at
יש דבר חשוב שציך לדעת
There's something important that I need to know
Yesh haregesh atzum b'lev kol yisrael
יש הרגש עצום בלב כל ישראל
There's a crucial feeling in the heart of all of Israel
V'af echad sheba'olam lo yikach et ze mimeni
ואף אחד שבעולם לא יקח את זה ממני
And no one in the world can take it away from me
Az tishmah achi tishmah tov
אז תשמע אחי תשמע טוב
So listen, brother, listen well
Anachnu am kadosh mikol ha'amim
אנחנו עם קדוש מכל העמים
We are a holy nation among nations
Ha'im targish et zeh b'toch haneshama
hהאם תרגיש את זה בתוך הנשמה
Will you feel it in your soul
ShehaKadosh baruch hu bachar banu veromamtanu
שהקדוש ברוך הוא בחר בנו ורוממתנו
That the Holy One, blessed be he, chose us and lifted us
Az bo tashir iti mikol halev
אז בא תשיר אתי מכל הלב
So come sing with me with your whole heart
Kol hakavod chaverim
כל הכבוד חברים
Well done, friends
Kol hakavod yedidim
כל הכבוד ידידים
Well done, friends
She'anachnu yehudim anachnu ma'aminim
שאנחנו יהודים אנחנו מאמינים
That we are Jews and we are believers
Achinu lihiyot am hanivchar kol hakavod achi
זכינו להיות עם הנבחר כל הכבוד אחי
We've merited to be the chosen nation, well done brother
Baruch Hashem
ברוך יי
Blessed is God (or, thank God)
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