Shomati – Eli Levin (Cover) שמעתי תפילתך – אלי לעווין

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Shared on April 22, 2020
So many of us have suffered tremendously during this pandemic. So many loved ones lost, so many families shattered.
I have recorded this song as a project for Thank You Hashem as a way to raise hope, to inspire and strengthen my brothers and sisters.
He hears our cries, He sees our pain. He is the source of healing.
Thank you Sam Lowinger for your beautiful sax solo!
I have heard your prayer
I have seen your tears
Here I am to heal you
And our eyes shall witness
your return to Zion
heaven on earth
And our eyes shall witness
your return to Zion
peace in all worlds
שמעתי תפילתך
ראיתי דמעתך
הנני רופא לך
ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון
גן עדן עלי אדמות
ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון
שלום בכל העולמות
מילים - מלכים ב, כ,ה
This song has been adapted by Yonatan Meir Kimchi
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