R' Yom-Tov Ehrlich Medley – Freilach Instrumental
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Shared on September 26, 2015
Here's a beautiful medley containing old classics and most popular hits by R' Yom-Tov Ehrlich Z'L that many of us grew up listening to. Freilach band carefully picked out his most exciting songs that will certainly give the listener a good time. Enjoy!
Musicians featured in this video:
Avrumi Schreiber - Drums
Mendy Hershkowitz - Keyboard
Nachman Dreyer - Guitar
Shlome Spielman - Bass
Cliff Lyons - Tenor Saxophone
Shlomi Cohen - Alto Saxophone
Sam Hoyte - Trumpet
Mike Fahie - Trombone
Video: Motty Engel
Mix & Edit: Mendy Hershkowitz
Musicians featured in this video:
Avrumi Schreiber - Drums
Mendy Hershkowitz - Keyboard
Nachman Dreyer - Guitar
Shlome Spielman - Bass
Cliff Lyons - Tenor Saxophone
Shlomi Cohen - Alto Saxophone
Sam Hoyte - Trumpet
Mike Fahie - Trombone
Video: Motty Engel
Mix & Edit: Mendy Hershkowitz
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