Build the World – JOEY NEWCOMB (an a capella song)

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Shared on April 29, 2020
On a beautiful summer evening, less than a year ago, I had the opportunity to join the Hatzalah Barbeque: it was a chance to focus on what drives these incredible people, Yidden who fall asleep with radios near their pillow, whose ears are always attuned for the call of a needy brother or sister.
By the end of that night, this song had been conceived, developed and fully written.
Up until two months ago, we almost took them for granted, these many chessed organizations and the great people who volunteer and staff them.
No longer. Now we realize what it means to live a life emulating the Creator, Mah Hu, af atah- Just as He is filled compassion, so must we be.
The world was created with one key ingredient: chessed. Olam chessed yibaneh. All of Creation was spawned by this middah, kindness, and these organizations are all fueled by that first spark of Divine chessed.
Ashreinu !
This track is an expression of our gratitude to them- not specifically during these trying times, but always, before and after. The examples used in this song, the four life-saving organizations, were chosen to represent all others, simply because they are front and center during times when so many families are struggling, in various ways.
But they are not the exceptions. It’s true for every organizations, every volunteer and staffer and donor, so when you sing the song, fill in the blank with the tzaddik in your life.
You know who they are.
And of course, special thank you to the great Doni Gross who can make anything sound amazing :).
Composed and performed by: Joey Newcomb
Produced by: Doni Gross
Recorded at: DeG studios NYC
All vocals: Joey Newcomb
A Crunchtime media production
Produced by: Moshe Finkelstien
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