Angel Song – Zevi Kaufman (Yess Legacy)
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Shared on February 3, 2025
Angel Song - Moshe Yess Cover -Yess Legacy
Angel Song ( L-rd of Hosts )
Zevi Kaufman–Vocals; Gershon Veroba–Acoustic guitar, Piano & Vocals; Tony Montalbo–Bass;
Shloime Kaufman–Vocals; Levana Chajes–Violin, Ketoret Chajes–Viola; Carmiella Bernstein–Cello
Hashem once made an angel and gave him quite a chore
“Go and search the whole wide world and bring back to my door
The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then,” said the lord of hosts.
The angel flew the whole wide world till a twinkle caught his eye
It came from a golden box with diamonds piled high
He flew that box to heaven and the gate man said to him,
“Yes, it certainly is a treasure, but Hashem won’t let you in.”
The angel flew the world again and his time to a war
He saw an act of bravery, like none he’d seen before
A soldier jumped upon a bomb to save the lives of friends
and with the first drop of that soldier’s blood the angel flew again.
The keeper of the gate told him, “were it up to me
I’d let you in right now with that drop of blood I see,
But The Lord of Hosts has told me that I cannot let you in
until the utmost precious, cherished thing is brought back here to him.”
The angel flew the world again until he saw a sinner’s face
it was covered by a Tallis, which was hiding his disgrace
and from a deep felt sense of shame something started to appear
and the angel flew with all his might and he grabbed that precious tear.
The gates of heaven opened up and light filled up the sky
The Holy One Himself took the teardrop and he cried
“My house is always open,” says the Mighty Lord of Hosts,
“And a teardrop of repentance is the thing I cherish most.”
Hashem once made an angel and gave him quite a chore
Go and search the whole wide world and bring back to my door
“The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then I’ll let you back in heaven then,
I’ll let you back in heaven then,” said the lord of hosts.
Angel Song ( L-rd of Hosts )
Zevi Kaufman–Vocals; Gershon Veroba–Acoustic guitar, Piano & Vocals; Tony Montalbo–Bass;
Shloime Kaufman–Vocals; Levana Chajes–Violin, Ketoret Chajes–Viola; Carmiella Bernstein–Cello
Hashem once made an angel and gave him quite a chore
“Go and search the whole wide world and bring back to my door
The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then,” said the lord of hosts.
The angel flew the whole wide world till a twinkle caught his eye
It came from a golden box with diamonds piled high
He flew that box to heaven and the gate man said to him,
“Yes, it certainly is a treasure, but Hashem won’t let you in.”
The angel flew the world again and his time to a war
He saw an act of bravery, like none he’d seen before
A soldier jumped upon a bomb to save the lives of friends
and with the first drop of that soldier’s blood the angel flew again.
The keeper of the gate told him, “were it up to me
I’d let you in right now with that drop of blood I see,
But The Lord of Hosts has told me that I cannot let you in
until the utmost precious, cherished thing is brought back here to him.”
The angel flew the world again until he saw a sinner’s face
it was covered by a Tallis, which was hiding his disgrace
and from a deep felt sense of shame something started to appear
and the angel flew with all his might and he grabbed that precious tear.
The gates of heaven opened up and light filled up the sky
The Holy One Himself took the teardrop and he cried
“My house is always open,” says the Mighty Lord of Hosts,
“And a teardrop of repentance is the thing I cherish most.”
Hashem once made an angel and gave him quite a chore
Go and search the whole wide world and bring back to my door
“The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then I’ll let you back in heaven then,
I’ll let you back in heaven then,” said the lord of hosts.
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