Zusha – “Needed You” (Official Audio)
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Shared on February 4, 2025
Itโs easy to feel alone. This song is reminding us that weโre never truly on our own. We rely on one another to rise from sadness into joy, from darkness into light. We tried to touch on the beauty of vulnerability, the strength in community, and the power of showing up for each other.
We hope this song lifts your spirit as much as creating it lifted ours. ๐ค
๐ถ Stream "Needed You" everywhere: https://zusha.ffm.to/neededyou
๐ฒ Follow Zusha for more soulful vibes:
Instagram: @zushamusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VXG44vdmNhcTCipc2Iz3Z?si=AZqe7VZPR6KN5-ZbRV6nRg
#Zusha #NeededYou #SoulfulMusic #Joy #Connection #NewMusic
We hope this song lifts your spirit as much as creating it lifted ours. ๐ค
๐ถ Stream "Needed You" everywhere: https://zusha.ffm.to/neededyou
๐ฒ Follow Zusha for more soulful vibes:
Instagram: @zushamusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VXG44vdmNhcTCipc2Iz3Z?si=AZqe7VZPR6KN5-ZbRV6nRg
#Zusha #NeededYou #SoulfulMusic #Joy #Connection #NewMusic
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