Yaakov Lemmer sings Sefiras Ha’omer – Pierre Pinchik at Beth E-l of Boro Park

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Shared on August 31, 2020
During the height of Covid19, Yaakov Lemmer, Frank London and Avi Kaye came together to highlight the beauty of steadfast faith and intent prayer in Jewish tradition. The time of this recording was during the Sefira days. A time of personal reflection and introspection toward betterment, individually and collectively.
Arranged: Frank London
Trumpet - Frank London
Accordion - Ilya Schneyveys
Tuba - Marcus Rojas
Audio: Luis Bacque
Video: Jonathan Makrinos
Photo Credits: Avi Kaye / @hasidiminusa
With special thanks to the wonderful Young Israel Beth E-l Synagogue of Boro Park especially to Cantor Benzion Miller and Rabbi Eli Miller
#YaakovLemmer #Yankylemmer
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