Teshuva – תשובה | Mendy Worch | TYH Nation (Official Music Video)
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Shared on September 22, 2023
The Power of Teshuva
Teshuva - תשובה
Mendy Worch
L”N Dovid Ben Shalom A”H
דוד בן שלום ע״ה
Doing Teshuva sounds extremely daunting!To change everything about myself and stop doing the things that I’m so accustomed to doing? That sounds way too difficult to even consider.
In a foundational and life altering teaching Rav Kook teaches that we have it all wrong.
The Yetzer hara does everything in his power to get us to believe this. It’s exactly what he wants. Once we think like that he’s already won.
The actual truth is that Teshuva predates the world and it is easy! Our belief must be that Hashem is there every step of the way. He calls for us every day as He is constantly encouraging us and leading us back to Him.
Recognize that His single desire for us is to let our neshama shine bright, to just take the first step towards Him, to make a single ever so slight movement in His direction, and you will have the strength to take that leap back to your true self and back to Him.
That is the true power of Teshuva!
עקר הנפילות באות
מפני שאינו מאמין
בקלותה של תשובה
Believe Brother Believe
In the Power of Teshuva
Believe Brother Believe
It’s so Easy to Return
Farbrengable Studios/Mendy Portnoy
Composed by The Blumstein Brothers
Text: Rav Kook
Produced and Arranged by Mendy Portnoy
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Strings arranged and Performed by Yoed Nir
Children’s Choir: Shir Vshevach Boys Choir
Arranged by Mendy Portnoy & Chaim Meir Fligman
Conducted by Chaim Meir Fligman
Vocals Recorded
At: Master Studios Airmont NY
Mixed by Mendy Portnoy and Yaron Safer
Mastered by Yaron Safer
Yitzchok Fligman
Yiddy Barhorin
Yiddy Ganz
Yidel Weber
Shia Tyrnauer
Chaim Tyrnauer
Gabi Gluck
Yanky Weiss
Motty Kalish
Shmily Englander
Zevi Sabel
Shloime Hupstein
Sruly Biegeleisen
Filmed by and Edited by Motty Berkowitz
Cover Design Yakov Josephy
Violinists in video
Luigi Polcari
Boris Corchesco
Thank you to the shul of of pomona heights and Kmh
Sponsored by The AISH Group
[email protected]
Teshuva - תשובה
Mendy Worch
L”N Dovid Ben Shalom A”H
דוד בן שלום ע״ה
Doing Teshuva sounds extremely daunting!To change everything about myself and stop doing the things that I’m so accustomed to doing? That sounds way too difficult to even consider.
In a foundational and life altering teaching Rav Kook teaches that we have it all wrong.
The Yetzer hara does everything in his power to get us to believe this. It’s exactly what he wants. Once we think like that he’s already won.
The actual truth is that Teshuva predates the world and it is easy! Our belief must be that Hashem is there every step of the way. He calls for us every day as He is constantly encouraging us and leading us back to Him.
Recognize that His single desire for us is to let our neshama shine bright, to just take the first step towards Him, to make a single ever so slight movement in His direction, and you will have the strength to take that leap back to your true self and back to Him.
That is the true power of Teshuva!
עקר הנפילות באות
מפני שאינו מאמין
בקלותה של תשובה
Believe Brother Believe
In the Power of Teshuva
Believe Brother Believe
It’s so Easy to Return
Farbrengable Studios/Mendy Portnoy
Composed by The Blumstein Brothers
Text: Rav Kook
Produced and Arranged by Mendy Portnoy
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Strings arranged and Performed by Yoed Nir
Children’s Choir: Shir Vshevach Boys Choir
Arranged by Mendy Portnoy & Chaim Meir Fligman
Conducted by Chaim Meir Fligman
Vocals Recorded
At: Master Studios Airmont NY
Mixed by Mendy Portnoy and Yaron Safer
Mastered by Yaron Safer
Yitzchok Fligman
Yiddy Barhorin
Yiddy Ganz
Yidel Weber
Shia Tyrnauer
Chaim Tyrnauer
Gabi Gluck
Yanky Weiss
Motty Kalish
Shmily Englander
Zevi Sabel
Shloime Hupstein
Sruly Biegeleisen
Filmed by and Edited by Motty Berkowitz
Cover Design Yakov Josephy
Violinists in video
Luigi Polcari
Boris Corchesco
Thank you to the shul of of pomona heights and Kmh
Sponsored by The AISH Group
[email protected]
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