Oh HaShem – Moshe Storch (Official Lyric Video) משה שטארך – אה השם
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Shared on August 4, 2020
Released with a helping hand from our Father in Heaven on the Hebrew date that resembles that exact meaning: 14 Av - יד אב – Hand of our Father
Composed by Moshe Storch
Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Keys, backup vocals & C section composition by Mendy Portnoy
Guitars by Israel Portnoy
Mixed by Ronen Hillel fatstudios
Drums by Dor Kelman
Bass by Danny Schnaiderman
Vocals recorded by MtStudios Burbank
Lyric video & album cover by Nancy Razk
Available on all major streaming sites as well as https://www.moshestorch.com
iTunes link: https://apple.co/3193SV5
Spotify link: https://spoti.fi/3gnEMIi
Dive deeper into the songs journey by checking out this article in the music cellar section on the site:
Video concept:
This somewhat simple lyric video has within it many images and subtle hints taking you on a journey to just open to HaShem and speak to Him, create that relationship that He wants sooo badly with you and simply talk to Him!
Wether in the field, the woods, your yard or your car, say hi, He will be thrilled!
Special thank you goes out to all those many people who would sing this song to me when they saw me and tell me how they put their kids to sleep with it. There are BH too many to list all of them but here are the top 3:
1) Mordy Gold and his sweet daughter Mia
2) Albert Beyzer and his wonderful daughter Sara
3) The entire holy Merewitz family
Thank you all so much for keeping this song alive all these years!
Special thanks to the children of The Westside Shul for always singing this song with me!
A few weeks after I wrote the chorus to the song I led a Chanuka Kumzitz in Calabassas Yeshiva where we sang the song in a candle lit room with about a hundred Bachurim singing together with beautiful harmonies and I believe that night this song was formed as my signature song, thanks to all those shtarke boys! (See video: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOhoP-MBbzu/?igshid=1hx3xdrod8ykz)
Waterbury Yeshiva, Valley Torah, Engelwood Yeshiva and many more Yeshiva’s, Communities and families have given this song so much love and I say Thank You!
Thank You HaShem, You know what for: EVERYTHING
Let's storm the clouds with:
#OhHaShem & #JustTalkToHim
May each and every one of you recognize that you have the ability to simply speak to Him whenever you want and bring Moshiach Now!
רבונו של עולם זכיני להרבות בהתבודדות תמיד
ואזכה להיות רגיל לצאת בכל יום לשדה
בין אילנות ועשבים וכל שיח השדה
ושם אזכה להתבודד ולהרבות בשיחה זו
תפילה ביני לבין קוני לשוח שם כל אשר עם לבבי
translation here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nYr60O-MHFc37RL7GQ3j0x5CI23x0sooGbzT8J7-Ro4/edit?usp=sharing
The first level of Hisbodidus
Say hello to your Gashmius
Let it know your’e gonna bring achdus
And introduce it to your Ruchniyos X2
Oh HaShem I wanna talk to You
I wanna get close to You
Oh HaShem I wanna talk to You
I wanna get close to You
Even if you think that you’re really far
Just remember who you really are
You are a piece of HaShem
And He wants you to talk to Him X2
Every now and then speak to Him in your own words
Learn this from the beautiful birds
Watch them tweet, get out of your seat
And go to the woods and talk to the Lord
Composed by Moshe Storch
Produced by Mendy Portnoy
Keys, backup vocals & C section composition by Mendy Portnoy
Guitars by Israel Portnoy
Mixed by Ronen Hillel fatstudios
Drums by Dor Kelman
Bass by Danny Schnaiderman
Vocals recorded by MtStudios Burbank
Lyric video & album cover by Nancy Razk
Available on all major streaming sites as well as https://www.moshestorch.com
iTunes link: https://apple.co/3193SV5
Spotify link: https://spoti.fi/3gnEMIi
Dive deeper into the songs journey by checking out this article in the music cellar section on the site:
Video concept:
This somewhat simple lyric video has within it many images and subtle hints taking you on a journey to just open to HaShem and speak to Him, create that relationship that He wants sooo badly with you and simply talk to Him!
Wether in the field, the woods, your yard or your car, say hi, He will be thrilled!
Special thank you goes out to all those many people who would sing this song to me when they saw me and tell me how they put their kids to sleep with it. There are BH too many to list all of them but here are the top 3:
1) Mordy Gold and his sweet daughter Mia
2) Albert Beyzer and his wonderful daughter Sara
3) The entire holy Merewitz family
Thank you all so much for keeping this song alive all these years!
Special thanks to the children of The Westside Shul for always singing this song with me!
A few weeks after I wrote the chorus to the song I led a Chanuka Kumzitz in Calabassas Yeshiva where we sang the song in a candle lit room with about a hundred Bachurim singing together with beautiful harmonies and I believe that night this song was formed as my signature song, thanks to all those shtarke boys! (See video: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOhoP-MBbzu/?igshid=1hx3xdrod8ykz)
Waterbury Yeshiva, Valley Torah, Engelwood Yeshiva and many more Yeshiva’s, Communities and families have given this song so much love and I say Thank You!
Thank You HaShem, You know what for: EVERYTHING
Let's storm the clouds with:
#OhHaShem & #JustTalkToHim
May each and every one of you recognize that you have the ability to simply speak to Him whenever you want and bring Moshiach Now!
רבונו של עולם זכיני להרבות בהתבודדות תמיד
ואזכה להיות רגיל לצאת בכל יום לשדה
בין אילנות ועשבים וכל שיח השדה
ושם אזכה להתבודד ולהרבות בשיחה זו
תפילה ביני לבין קוני לשוח שם כל אשר עם לבבי
translation here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nYr60O-MHFc37RL7GQ3j0x5CI23x0sooGbzT8J7-Ro4/edit?usp=sharing
The first level of Hisbodidus
Say hello to your Gashmius
Let it know your’e gonna bring achdus
And introduce it to your Ruchniyos X2
Oh HaShem I wanna talk to You
I wanna get close to You
Oh HaShem I wanna talk to You
I wanna get close to You
Even if you think that you’re really far
Just remember who you really are
You are a piece of HaShem
And He wants you to talk to Him X2
Every now and then speak to Him in your own words
Learn this from the beautiful birds
Watch them tweet, get out of your seat
And go to the woods and talk to the Lord
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