Nigun Rikud – Eitan Katz | ניגון ריקוד – איתן כ״ץ

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Shared on September 7, 2022
In anticipation to "Live In Jerusalem 3", I am thrilled to announce the release of this new uplifting single - Nigun Rikud.
Composed, Arranged, and Produced by Eitan Katz
Drums - Larry Steppler
Bass - Yoshie Fruchter
Electric Guitar - Yoni Lorber
Saxophone & Trumpet - Eitan Goffman
Keyboard - Rambam Agababayev
Clarinet - Ismail Lumanovski
Percussion - Keita Ogawa
Ben Lutz, Heshi Deutsch, Sruli Prero, Yehuda Horowitz
Mixed and Mastered by Baba Z. Buerger
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