Shared on April 7, 2020
Here's a cover of this timeless Pesach song that speaks to my heart, so I hope it will be the same for you. It reminds me that God graciously chose us. He exclusively gave the Torah to you, me, and all of our brothers and sisters. That thought alone is sometimes the biggest comfort we need to hear regardless of what is happening in our lives. We are in the month of miracles and entering the holiday of freedom, a gift that is only possible because of our Torah that we received. When we get rid of Chometz, we are also "destroying" our personal negative self-images that might weigh us down from being who we really are. When it's all gone, we are tasting freedom, the ability to start anew, so we can reveal the best version of ourselves, the Godliness that shines within every one of us. When we realize our treasure, we remember that Hashem can make anything happen in the blink of an eye, and that He loves us so much! May we all experience a truly uplifting and expansive Yom Tov!
Produced by Naftali Blumenthal @ASAP Productions (
copyright 2020
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