NACHAS – Champion

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Shared on May 14, 2020
#jewishmusic #newjewishmusic Composed by: NACHAS
Music produced by: Shloimy Salzman
Vocals recorded at: Edgware Studios
Music mixed by: Gershy Schwarcz
Lyrics Co-Written: Abe Cohen
Digital platforms will be updated as it becomes live:
Currently available on:
iTunes: Champion - Single by Nachas
Follow Nachas on instagram: @NachasMusic
Thank you to the following contributors to this production:
Moishe Moskovits
Taylor Family
Dani Rosenfeld
Yc Shur
Moshe Tendler
David Walkin
Sam Gruenberger
King Family
Oldak Family
Eli Scharf
Eli Schwed
Raizel Lamm
Perry Binet
Segal brothers
Moshe Greenes
Moishe Schneider
Malky Rosenberg
Jonathan Burstyn
Goldie Lerner
Eitan Berlin
Bloom family
Avromi Mostofsky
Plaut Family
Rosenblatt Family
Tuli Urbach
Mordechai Lamet
Bornfreund Family
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