JOEY NEWCOMB – Tantz With Rashbi (Official Music Video)

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Shared on May 12, 2020
One morning as I was finishing up Davening, I got a voice message from my dear friend Elimelech Blumstein expressing that he had heard a Shiur about Reb Shimon Bar Yochai, the holy Tanah.
The Shiur being about the holiness of the Tanah and how he started the process of Ge’ulah. Reb Shimon taught us how to look past the surface and to see the depth and beauty of everything and everyone around us.
Then of course he attached this song he had just written, expressing that he wasn’t really sure if he even liked it. I told him how much I loved it and the rest is history.
Enjoy the track in honor of Reb Shimon on this special day of Lag B’omer.
Composed by: The Blumstein brothers and Joey
Performed by: Joey Newcomb
Music Produced by: Doni Gross
Recorded at: DeG studios NYC
A Crunchtime Media Production
Produced by: Moshe Finkelstien
Actors: Rabbi Groner, Mike Mauss, Shimon Groner.
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YouTube channel: @Joey/Yosef Newcomb
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