Eli Schwebel – We Are One (Live at Home with Oz Noy & Ben Sutin)

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Shared on November 3, 2020
Dear Friends,
I'm releasing this song on Election Day.
It's my prayer from Home.
It's all I have to say.
"We Are One" from the Album "Hearts Mind" by Eli Schwebel
A live recording at home with Kings Oz Noy & Ben Sutin
Did you ever feel lonely?
Did you ever feel lonely with people all around you?
No one's found you
Do you remember?
Do you remember?
Where you are and where you're coming from
And who you're gonna be?
Just look behind you eyes and see your soul inside
It lives beyond the limits of your mind
We are one forever
Be who you are together
We're from many tribes leading very different lives
But we are one forever
I've been waiting for so long
I've been waiting for so long
To be right here with you at last
Know you're never alone
So you can make it on you own
Sometimes we fall we'll rise again!
We are one forever
Be who you are together
We're from many tribes leading very different lives
But we are one forever
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