Eitan Katz Unplugged 3 Album Sampler

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Shared on October 25, 2020
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/eitan-katz-unplugged-3/1536104706
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/1N4cTutCzlvd9mn1ZF9wwn?si=xDIoZO4-TsWm7UdoG9NHag
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With much gratitude to Hashem, I am thrilled to announce the release of my new album, Eitan Katz Unplugged 3. This is the third installment of the series of albums where I’m humbled at the opportunity to record the timeless music of R’ Shlomo Carlebach Z”L. These 11 tracks will IYH inspire and uplift you and your family. It’s no secret that R’ Shlomo’s nigunim continue to reach our hearts in ways perhaps other music doesn’t. Some of these nigunim you’ll recognize; some you won’t; but the message is clear - staying connected to these (and other) holy nigunim of the past is the only conduit to producing a new generation of meaningful Jewish music.
Now Streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, and everywhere else.
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