DOVID LOWY- Tamid๐ฎ๐ฑ๐๏ธ [Official Lyric Video] ืืื ืืขืืื- ืชืืื
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Shared on November 5, 2023
I did something Iโve never done beforeโฆ I introduced a brand new song at a post Tisha Baโv Kumzits in the hopes to inspire people with a message. The message was how lucky we are to live in a place that the Torah says, Hashems Eyes are always on itโฆreferring to Eretz Yisroelโฆ little did I know just how powerful it would be. We all walked away inspired.
The question that followed was, โnu Dovid when are you releasing the song?โโฆ (bโH I write many songs, and I felt no particular reason to work on this one at that time) I simply replied in its right timeโฆshortly after our World changed in Israelโฆ Although it was difficult to think about music for the first few weeks of this war, I believe nows its time to share.
We who are privileged to live in this Holy Land get front row seats to see History unfolding before our eyes. We witness the Divine Hand guiding us towards the finish line, and live with that awareness.
To my brethren who have not yet joined usโฆ I ask you to please consider joining us now to the Land that Hashem Himself says He's with ืชืืื.
Dovid Lowy Production
Song Composed by: Dovid Lowy
Arranged by: Yitzy Berry & Eli Klein
Guitars Nachkann Helbitz
Qanun- Amir Alaev
Bridge Lyrics: Sari Israeli
Video and Graphics by: Mati Shriki
*Available on All Platforms:
**Check Out For Inquiries or More Music!**
Special thanks to: Seth Aronstam for the Inspiring images and videos of Israel
Art Work Images by: Runflow art
Thank you Dr. Daniel Feiner for your sponsorship and belief in this song.
Iโve partnered together with The SHMIRA PROJECT
We All want to do something to help Am Yisroel at this time. Get matched with IDF soldiers fighting terrorism, the wounded and Israelis in danger, to pray and do good deeds in their merit. Your Action is Their Armor.
The question that followed was, โnu Dovid when are you releasing the song?โโฆ (bโH I write many songs, and I felt no particular reason to work on this one at that time) I simply replied in its right timeโฆshortly after our World changed in Israelโฆ Although it was difficult to think about music for the first few weeks of this war, I believe nows its time to share.
We who are privileged to live in this Holy Land get front row seats to see History unfolding before our eyes. We witness the Divine Hand guiding us towards the finish line, and live with that awareness.
To my brethren who have not yet joined usโฆ I ask you to please consider joining us now to the Land that Hashem Himself says He's with ืชืืื.
Dovid Lowy Production
Song Composed by: Dovid Lowy
Arranged by: Yitzy Berry & Eli Klein
Guitars Nachkann Helbitz
Qanun- Amir Alaev
Bridge Lyrics: Sari Israeli
Video and Graphics by: Mati Shriki
*Available on All Platforms:
**Check Out For Inquiries or More Music!**
Special thanks to: Seth Aronstam for the Inspiring images and videos of Israel
Art Work Images by: Runflow art
Thank you Dr. Daniel Feiner for your sponsorship and belief in this song.
Iโve partnered together with The SHMIRA PROJECT
We All want to do something to help Am Yisroel at this time. Get matched with IDF soldiers fighting terrorism, the wounded and Israelis in danger, to pray and do good deeds in their merit. Your Action is Their Armor.
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